Tuesday 30 October 2018

Geophia LLC of Atlanta, Georgia: Reducing Your Environmental Footprint

Geophia LLC of Atlanta, Georgia, is committed to making the world a better place – to addressing environmental challenges through the development of more eco-friendly products and solutions that have application across a variety of fields.

A company built on innovation, Geophia professionals understands the importance of both large- and small-scale ideas when it comes to affecting meaningful change across the globe. 

Reducing your environmental footprint can include such simple, day-to-day behaviors like:

Avoiding your auto. It may not always be possible, but devoting a day or two each week to walking, bicycling or taking the bus to work can decrease your carbon footprint considerably.

Buying local. Locally-sourced products – particularly foods – require far less energy to process and transport than those shipped halfway across the globe.

Buying smarter. Choosing reusable and renewable items over disposable products whenever possible can help reduce waste considerably.

Geophia LLC, an Atlanta, Georgia-based firm, is committed to creating a more sustainable future for companies and countries across the globe.

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Geophia, LLC of Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta of Georgia based start-up called Geophia, LLC gives industries and businesses the opportunity to decrease their carbon footprints and make a difference through natural products innovation. 

Visit http://en.gravatar.com/geophiallc to know more about this business. 

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Geophia, LLC of Atlanta, Georgia

Geophia LLC, based in Atlanta, Georgia, is dedicated to building cutting-edge solutions that benefit both industry and the environment. 

Focused on developing sustainable products and solutions with use across a variety of industries, Geophia LLC looks to provide businesses the eco-friendly options they need to reduce their own carbon footprints -as well as to empower consumers with the choices they need to make a real difference.

One such option now available through Geophia is that of natural cat litter. An eco-friendly alternative to traditional litter products, natural cat litter is a great choice for consumers and businesses alike due to its:
  • Biodegradability. Unlike their traditional counterparts, natural cat litter products made of such materials as corn, pine, sawdust and cedar will break down naturally – reducing waste and environmental impact.
  • Variety. Natural cat litters come in a variety of types, which provides consumers the opportunity to choose the option that meets their needs without sacrificing on quality.

Geophia LLC develops eco-friendly solutions for a variety of industries, including agriculture, construction, plastics, cleaning, manufacturing and more. They are currently based in Atlanta, Georgia.

Visit https://www.manta.com/c/mb4n7sd/geophia-llc for more information about this business.